Using your SMART Board as an Additional Monitor:
If you are using your computer with your SMART Board, you sometimes run into the problem of keeping confidential information from being displayed on your SMART Board (i.e. grades, email, etc.). A nice feature to work around this problem is using your SMART Board as a Dual Monitor. Then you can display what you want on your SMART Board and still have access to your computer for grading or whatever you need.1. To use your SMART Board as a separate monitor, open up your System Preferences and click on Display.

2.After you open your display settings, you should get something that resembles this:

3.Click on the Arrangement tab to get this window:

4. Notice in the bottom left corner there is a button check title "Mirror Displays". This is what tells the computer to display the same things on both the computer monitor and the SMART Board.

5. Uncheck this box to use the SMART Board as an additional screen.

7. After you uncheck the box, you will get a screen that looks like this:

Notice it now shows a smaller screen next to your main screen, this is the SMART Board. Anything that you drag off your computer screen to the right hand side will appear on your SMART Board.
I really enjoyed this walk-through, however I was wondering if I could ask you a question about a problem I have having. I have Windows and followed your walk-through as closely as possible considering the differences in appearance of the mac and windows OS, however I am still having trouble setting up the Smartboard as a second monitor. For some reason, only the main computer monitor is recognized. The computer does not recognize the Smartboard in the monitor setting, however, i use it on a daily basis in class. Any ideas? Thanks, and if my explanation is not clear I can rephrase.